I've always believed that there is a certain perfection in imperfection, and so I am delighted to bring to you Loopies Vol. 4 - LOops!
Each of these 28 hand-drawn scribbly loops stamps (14 black and 14 white) have those perfectly-imperfect ink splats that add that charming "Oops!" factor to your fabulous artwork! Also included is a complete brush set in .abr format so that you can resize and stamp in any color that you desire! And you get all that deliciousness without having to clean up the mess afterward. How awesome is that?
Have fun and let your creative juices flow with Loopies Vol. 4!
PS. If you love scribbly loopies, be sure to check out the other volumes in my Loopies collection! Just click on the Related Products tab.
* all items have been saved at a maximum resolution of 300ppi for the best print quality
* 28 transparent .png stamps (14 black, 14 white - and all are easily recolored)
* a complete brush set in .abr format