Oh, the joy of cutting out letters from magazine pages and forming words, titles, even delightful "ransom notes" with them! I remember hoarding loads and loads of magazines and settling down with a pair of scissors, and the fascination with forming words out of different letter fonts.
Those good ol' days are the inspiration behind my Cutout Alphas pack. Now you can have that delightful collage-look on your layouts and creations without having to hoard magazines or deal with scissor-hand fatigue!
You get 98 cut-outs in this pack: all 26 letters of the alphabet, numbers 0-9 (combine to make numbers larger than single-digit amounts), and the most common punctuation marks... in flat and lifted versions. Each cutout has that authentic vintage texture of old magazines with letters inked onto them. Plus I've included 2 real different staples and a pair of staple holes, extracted lovingly, in plain and pre-shadowed versions (total of 6 staple/hole files), so that you can attach your letters in any way you wish!
Perfect for scrapping layouts, doing art-journal pages, cards and collages and almost anything you can think of: this pack of Cutout Alphas is definitely a must for your stash!
* This is a digital download product. No actual physical product will be shipped to you, so you get your new goodies immediately with just a click! :)
* all items have been saved at a maximum resolution of 300ppi for the best print quality
* all 104 files (98 cutouts + 6 staple/hole files) are in .png format