My Brownbagger Paper Packs provide the perfect backdrop to your precious photos and awesome stories!
Brownbagger Vol. 4 Paper Pack brings you ten very real, deliciously textured 12x12 solid brown-bag papers in various earthy and natural shades with super texture. These awesome papers come in a whole caboodle of variations to work with: folded, torn, crumpled, almost-flat, creased and more!
This pack comes with 6 .jpeg papers and 4 .png papers (with a transparent background so that the torn/folded areas peep through just as they do in real life).
* All items have been saved at a maximum resolution of 300ppi for the best print quality
* Because of the high texture and transparent files, this is a large download; so please allow for some time for the product to download (download times depend on your internet connection speed). Perhaps grab a glass of cold iced tea and put your feet up and enjoy checking out the other products in my shop? :)